ear quiz
eye quiz
PowerpointsPPT #1
PPT #2
crime dogs
ear labeling
ear tutorial (good - do this)
ear tutorial II
ear animation
sound frequency test
cow eyeball dissection directions - when done with the lab - draw a picture of an eye, label the parts and give the function of each
another eye dissection
Virtual eye surgery lab (you can do the others as well)
eye tutorial
eye animation
cow eyeball dissection
virtual cow eye dissection - this is a requirement before the lab
eye parts with explanations
how our eyes focus light
gallery of visual illusions
how the eye sees - watch the quick videos
labeled images of eyes and ears
How good is our taste?
Seeing, Hearing and Tasting the World
online activities
senses challenge
Beltone hearing test
vision test online
color blindness test
Webquest - All About Vision